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The Charade
Author: Leone
Part: 1/3
Rating: PG
Codes: P, VOY/X: WP
Archive: Got my other stories? Go ahead. Otherwise, ask
Feedback: [email protected]
Disclaimer: Nothing but the story belongs to me. Star Trek
belongs to Paramount and any characters from Xena: Warrior
Princess belongs to Renaissance Pictures. (Except the gods, they
belong to themselves)
Summary: Sequel to "The Choice". If you have read that one,
this won't make much sense.
Part One
Captain Janeway, Commander Chakotay and Voyager's EMH
watched in surprise as several women appeared in bright flashes
of light. Well, considering that Ares, the God of War was
standing in the other side of Tom's biobed, the three of them
supposed that the new arrivals were goddesses.
They were right, as they discovered when Tom greeted each
female by name, then introduced them to his commanding
officers and the CMO.
The first was a blue-eyed blond, dressed in a pink dress. She
came over, pushed Ares aside and bent to kiss Tom. Then She
straightened and smiled. "Hi, Blondie," She said.
Tom rolled his eyes. "Look who's talking," he chuckled. "Hi
'Dite. How's Heph?"
"Hephy's fine," 'Dite replied. "Busy as always, though."
"He isn't neglecting You, is He?" Tom asked.
'Dite shook Her head. "He would never do that to Me."
Tom smiled. He knew 'Dite was right. Her husband was very
much in love with Her, and wouldn't ever ignore Her. Then he
shook off his thoughts and turned to Janeway and the two others.
"Captain, Commander, Doctor, allow me to introduce you to
Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love." He turned back to the goddess.
"'Dite, this is Captain Kathryn Janeway, Commander Chakotay
and Voyager's Emergency Medical Holographic program," he
indicated each person as he mentioned them.
'Dite gave the three of them a charming smile, and looked
intently at each as She acknowledged them, starting with
Janeway. "Captain Janeway. I'm delighted to meet the person
responsible for getting My Blondie out of prison."
Janeway just nodded, too overwhelmed to say anything for a
moment. Then she pulled herself together. She *was* the captain
of Voyager, and these were her guests. It would be impolite not
to reply to Aphrodite's kind words. "It was my pleasure,
'Dite smiled with joy. Kathryn was wonderfully polite. Then She
turned to look at Chakotay. Suddenly She frowned slightly and
cast a sideway glance at Tom. He met her eyes with a quizzical
expression. 'Dite shook Her head slightly and returned Her
attention to the first officer. "Commander Chakotay," She said
by way of greeting. Her tone of voice was subtly different from
when She had spoken to Janeway.
Chakotay answered Her in the same way as She had addressed
him. "Aphrodite," he said and inclined his head slightly.
'Dite flashed the commander another smile, determined to talk to
him later, in private. Then She looked at the EMH. "Doctor," She
said. "I want to thank you for taking such good care of Blondie."
She knew exactly how to thank him properly, but that would
have to wait.
"I'm programmed to do my best with all my patients," the doctor
said. "But, I must admit that Mr. Paris is in here more than any
other crewmember."
'Dite dismissed this with a shake of Her head. "I know you do,
but that's not what I meant," She said and smiled to him. "I know
that Tom thinks of you as one of his closest friends," She told
The doctor seemed surprised. "He does?" he asked, then turned
and glanced at Tom for confirmation. "You consider *me* one
of your friends?" When Tom nodded 'yes', the hologram smiled
happily. "I also regard us as friends," he said. "You are
annoying, sarcastic and accident prone. But, you're also kind,
compassionate and have a heroic streak a mile wide. You were
also one of the first crewmembers on this ship to treat me as a
real person."
Amazingly, the doctor's kind words made Tom blush. Janeway
and Chakotay stared at him in surprise. That was something
they'd never seen before. Neither of them had thought Tom was
even capable of that act. However, 'Dite laughed in delight.
"And he blushes so easily," She said.
Before anyone could comment on that remark, another female
voice interrupted. "'Dite, quit monopolizing Tommy."
The five of them turned towards the speaker and saw a dark-
haired goddess with a remarkable similarity to Ares. She came
over and bent down to kiss Tom's cheek. "How are you feeling,
Tommy?" She asked as She straightened.
Tom smiled to Her. "I feel fine. *He*," he nodded towards Ares,
who had moved away to make room for the goddesses.
"Transferred some of His energy to me, so I'm not in any pain
right now."
The dark-haired goddess smiled in satisfaction. "Good," She
said. "Strife sends His regards," She added as and afterthought.
"How is Your son?" Tom asked.
"Getting into trouble as always," the goddess answered with a
proud smile.
Tom laughed. "I'm not surprised," he said. "After all, Strife *is*
the God of Mischief. And one of my favorites," he added with a
sly smile.
"And you're one of His favorite mortals," the goddess laughed.
Tom laughed for a moment longer, then got his amusement under
control and proceeded to introduce this goddess to Janeway,
Chakotay and the doctor. "This is Eris, the Goddess of Discord,
and Ares' twin sister," he said formally.
The meeting between Voyager's two most senior officers, her
EMH and the Goddess of Discord was very similar to the
meeting with Aphrodite.
After Eris came Athena, Goddess of Education, Science and
Virginity, then Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon. The
last was Persephone, the Goddess of Spring and wife of Hades,
the God of the Underworld.
When the introductions were finished, the goddesses moved
aside to let Ares talk to Tom for a moment before the change was
The God of War went over to stand beside Tom's bed once more.
Seeing the slight apprehension in the mortal's eyes, Ares smiled
reassuringly. "Don't worry, Tom," He said. "I'll be here when
you wake up."
Tom smiled in gratitude as War laid His hand on his forehead to
make him fall asleep. As Ares' silent command to sleep went
into his subconscious, Tom fought it long enough to whisper,
"Thanks, dad." With that, he finally closed his eyes and slept.
Janeway, Chakotay and the doctor all turned to stare at Ares in
surprise. It was the doctor who spoke, as the other two seemed to
have lost their voices. "Dad?"
Ares sighed quietly and removed His hand from His son's
forehead before turning His attention to the two mortals and the
hologram. "Yes, Tom is My son," He said, then lifted a hand to
forestall their questions. "Let's go somewhere more private.
Then I'll answer your questions while the goddesses take care of
Tom's change."
"We can talk in the doctor's office," Janeway said, accepting on
the behalf of all three.
Ares nodded and lead the way to the office, followed by
Janeway, Chakotay and the doctor.
The five goddesses moved to stand around Tom's biobed. Then
They closed Their eyes in concentration, beginning the process
that would transform War's son into a woman.
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