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Title: Who You Want Me To Be: The Faces of Chakotay
Author: Leone
Part: 1/1
Rating: NC-17
Codes: C/P
Spoilers: Slight spoilers for Basics
Archive: TPD, Paris Nights, CPSG, my site. Anywhere else, ask
Feedback: [email protected]
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: PWP
Dedicated to: Myfanwe for inspiring me. My muse heard the little sound
file M made, and threw this into my mind. And those who know me,
*knows* that when I get a story idea, I have to write it down, or else it
*never* goes away. Also dedicated to CatHeights for coming up with
the title and Ki for suggesting the subtitle.
Tom sat at the bar in Sandrine's, sipping a drink. He was the only one in
the holodeck. Well, except for Sandrine, whom he was talking to. Actually
he was telling her about the Commander. Tom was wondering about
the man. He'd changed lately. Or his behaviour towards Tom had, and
Tom was not sure why, or what it meant. Which was the reason he was
here, talking to Sandrine, instead of in his quarters, sleeping.
Tom sighed, and looked at the holographic image of Sandrine. "I mean,"
he continued the interrupted conversation, "I've seen the Commander in
many different disguises. In the Maquis he was the Angry Warrior. Here
on Voyager, I've seen him as the Mystic Indian, as the I-Want-To-Kill-
Tom-Paris person, and as the perfect First Officer." Tom paused to take
a swig of his scotch, and didn't notice Chakotay, who had entered while
he was talking.
After putting the glass down, Tom continued. "I've even seen a friendlier,
I'll-Tolerate-Tom-Paris version of him. But this new version of
Chakotay? I've never seen it before, and I'm not sure who he is."
Tom missed Sandrine looking at Chakotay, who'd walked up to stand
behind the pilot. "I'm the Chakotay you want me to be," he said quietly.
Tom jumped slightly when he heard Chakotay's voice. Schooling his
face to show nothing but polite interest, he turned around and looked
questioningly at the older man. "What?" he asked.
"I'm the Chakotay you want me to be," he repeated. "The one who loves
you." As Tom gasped in surprise, Chakotay continued. "This is what
you want, isn't it?" he asked and stepped closer to Tom. "The secret
you've been keeping? You want us to be together."
Tom stared at Chakotay, momentarily speechless while panicked
thoughts raced through his mind. *Oh, god. He knows. Now, what do I
do? What can I say? How do I explain?* Then he realized what Chakotay
had said. *He loves me?* Tom looked into Chakotay's eyes and saw
the truth. Tom exhaled softly. "What made you realize that you love me
all of a sudden?" he asked.
Chakotay lifted his hand and gently caressed Tom's cheek. "I've always
wanted you," he answered huskily, and let his thumb graze Tom's lower
lip before he continued. "It just took me a while to realize that it wasn't
just desire I felt for you."
Tom leaned into Chakotay's caressing hand, keeping his eyes locked on
the older man's. "So what made you realize?" he asked quietly.
Chakotay sighed. "When Seska and the Kazon took over the ship, you
were reportedly shot down. The pain I felt when I heard told me that it
was more than just lust. But at the time, I didn't have time to examine
my feelings." Chakotay smiled. "We were busy on the planet we were
stranded on. Then, when Voyager came back, and we learned that you
had not only survived, but also brought the Talaxians and gotten rid of
the Kazon. Well, I was just so relieved. I just wanted to find you, put my
arms around you and kiss you senseless."
Tom trembled at Chakotay's words. "Why didn't you?" he whispered.
"Because I didn't know how you felt about me. For all I knew, you'd hit
me, if I did that," Chakotay explained.
Tom nodded in understanding, then frowned slightly. "How did you find
out about my feelings for you?" he asked.
"Well, I watched you closely over the next few weeks, and noticed how
you looked at me when you thought no one was watching." Chakotay
smiled gently. "You have very expressive eyes. Then, when I came in
here tonight and heard you talking to Sandrine, my suspicion about you
was confirmed."
"Oh," was all Tom said, and reached a hand up to cover the one still caressing
his face. Then he turned his head and brushed it with his lips.
When he heard Chakotay's sharp inhalation, Tom smiled and did it
again. A moment later, he turned his head back to look at the older man.
Chakotay gazed into Tom's eyes for a few moments, then he leaned in
and kissed him. At first the kiss was gentle, but then Tom moaned softly
and parted his lips, and Chakotay took full advantage, sliding his tongue
into Tom's mouth to taste and explore the sweet darkness inside.
They kissed like that for long moments, hot open-mouthed kisses, their
tongues mating. Only when the danger of suffocation became a reality
did the two men break apart. They gazed into each other's eyes for a
moment, until a movement from Sandrine broke the spell and they remembered
that they weren't alone.
"I want to make love to you, Tom," Chakotay said. "But not here."
Tom nodded his agreement and said, "Let's go to your quarters."
"All right," Chakotay said and stepped back, so Tom could get off the
stool. When Tom stood, Chakotay reached out and took his hand, leading
him out of the holodeck.
The two men managed to restrain themselves until they got to the First
Officer's quarters, but as soon as the door closed behind them, they were
in each other's arms, kissing passionately until the need for air forced
them to break apart.
Once again, they looked into each other's eyes, then Tom broke the gaze
and put his head on Chakotay's shoulder. Pressing his lips against the
side of Chakotay's throat, Tom felt his beloved's pulse-rate increase and
Chakotay gasped softly and tightened his arms around Tom. After a
moment, Chakotay let his hands roam the younger man's body, one hand
sliding down to rest on Tom's ass, the other coming around to caress
Tom's chest.
This time it was Tom who moaned. Then he lifted his head from Chakotay's
shoulder, leaned in and re-claimed his lips. Snaking his tongue out,
Tom gently pried Chakotay's lips apart and delved inside. Tom's tongue
took a thorough tour of Chakotay's mouth, learning every nook and
cranny, and making itself at home.
Chakotay moaned into Tom's mouth and pressed his body into the
younger man's. Then he gasped as their erections met. Even through
their clothes, the contact was exquisite, but Chakotay decided that they
were wearing too many clothes and broke the kiss to pull back slightly.
Tom opened his eyes and looked into Chakotay's glazed eyes. "What?"
he asked huskily.
"Too many clothes," Chakotay answered, and tried to unbutton Tom's
However, Chakotay's trembling hands made the usually simple task almost
impossible, and after a moment Tom stilled his hands. Then he tore
the shirt open, sending the buttons flying, and making Chakotay chuckle.
"A bit impatient, aren't you?" Chakotay asked, as Tom's hands moved
to unbutton *his* shirt.
"I want to feel your skin against mine," Tom answered as he fumbled
slightly with the buttons in Chakotay's shirt. Finally, he got his fingers
to cooperate and when he'd opened the shirt, he pushed it off of Chakotay's
shoulders and down to the floor.
As soon as Chakotay's upper body was naked, Tom moved back into his
arms. He moaned, enjoying the feel of Chakotay's smooth chest against
his own. After a moment, Tom pulled back enough to be able to bend
down and play with Chakotay's nipples.
Letting his oral fixation out to play, Tom suckled, kissed, nipped and
licked the tiny brown buttons until they were hard and almost unbearably
sensitive. Then, with a parting kiss to both, Tom moved lower.
When he knelt in front of his lover, Tom tilted his head back to look at
the constantly moaning Chakotay. Tom inhaled sharply as the sight went
straight to his cock, making it almost painfully hard. Chakotay was panting
through slightly parted, kiss-swollen lips, his face was flushed, and
his usually brown eyes were black with desire. He was the single most
gorgeous sight of Tom's life.
After a moment, Tom turned his attention to Chakotay's trousers. Lifting
his hands, he opened them, then pulled them and the boxers down to
pool around Chakotay's ankles.
Once the clothes were out of the way, Tom gripped Chakotay's hips to
hold him still, then he leaned forward and took the brown cock in his
mouth, sucking lightly and running his tongue around the head. When
Chakotay groaned, Tom increased the suction.
Chakotay moved his hands to Tom's head, stroking the soft hair. He
tried to move, but Tom's hands held him immobile, so Chakotay just
gave himself over to the pleasure, letting Tom set the pace. When he felt
his climax approach, Chakotay moved his hands down to rest on Tom's
Tom felt Chakotay's legs starting to tremble slightly and heard his
moans getting louder. He knew that Chakotay was close to orgasm. Relaxing
his throat, Tom took Chakotay's cock all the way in and started
humming as he 'worked'.
That was all it took, and Chakotay let out a scream as he came hard in
Tom's mouth. Tom swallowed eagerly, loving the musky taste of Chakotay's
semen. When Chakotay didn't have any more to give, Tom released
his cock, licked it clean and rose to his feet and put his arms
around his lover, holding him gently while he recovered.
When Chakotay finally came down from the heights of ecstasy, he lifted
his head from Tom's shoulder. He gazed into the barely-blue eyes and
smiled gently at the younger man. "That was amazing. Thank you,"
Chakotay said in a voice that was slightly hoarse from screaming.
Tom smiled and leaned in to kiss Chakotay. When they broke the kiss,
Tom smiled again. "You're welcome," he said softly.
Chakotay returned the smile, then pulled back and said, "I think you're a
bit over-dressed, Tom." With that, Chakotay unbuttoned Tom's pants
and pulled them down over his hips, grinning when he noticed that the
younger man wasn't wearing any underwear.
"I never do," Tom told his lover with a mischievous smile.
Chakotay swallowed heavily. "I did *not* need to know that!" he exclaimed.
"Now, how am I gonna be able to concentrate when I'm on duty?"
Tom just grinned wickedly. "You're a big boy. I'm sure you'll manage,"
he said.
Chakotay groaned. "I'm sure I will," he agreed. "But it's gonna be
hard," he added with a sigh.
Tom snorted in amusement. "As hard as this?" he asked, taking one of
Chakotay's hands and pressed it against his erection.
"Not quite," Chakotay answered as he closed his hand around the hot,
silky flesh and squeezed gently, making Tom gasp. He moved his hand
along Tom's erection a couple of times, then let go, saying, "I want you
to come inside me."
Tom moaned at Chakotay's words. "Yessss."
Chakotay stepped back and crouched down to remove his shoes and
socks. Once they were off, he rose to his feet and kicked off his pants,
while Tom did the same. When both men were completely naked, they
moved into each other's arms again and kissed passionately. After a
moment, Chakotay broke the kiss and pulled back slightly, muttering,
"Bed." He released Tom, took the younger man's hand and dragged him
towards the bedroom.
When they were on the bed, Chakotay pinned Tom under him and
started kissing, licking and caressing the younger man's body, driving
him crazy with desire. Pretty soon Chakotay had Tom writhing under
him, moaning constantly.
Suddenly Tom wrapped his arms tightly around Chakotay and flipped
them over. Now Chakotay was the one pinned under Tom's body. Tom
smiled at his lover, then bent down to kiss him senseless. After a while
Tom broke the kiss and moved up to lick and kiss Chakotay's tattoo,
committing every line to memory. Then he moved down to Chakotay's
chest, licking and suckling on the nipples before biting down lightly.
When Tom bit his nipples, Chakotay moaned and arched his back. Then
he moaned louder as Tom moved lower and dipped his tongue into Chakotay's
navel. A moment later, when Tom moved down and settled between
Chakotay's thighs and swallowed his renewed erection, Chakotay
bucked his hips, trying to get further into the wonderful heat and
moisture of Tom's mouth.
As Tom sucked on his cock, Chakotay brought his hands down and
twined his fingers in Tom's hair, touching the source of his pleasure.
Tom increased the suction and soon Chakotay felt his orgasm approach.
He gently tugged at Tom's hair, making the younger man lift his head to
look at his lover. "What?" Tom asked.
"I want you to fuck me, Tom," Chakotay managed to gasp out.
Tom moaned softly. He wanted the same thing. "Where's the lube?" he
In answer, Chakotay reached under his pillow and pulled out a tube,
which he handed to Tom. "Here," he said.
Tom took the tube, uncapped it and squeezed some lube into his hand
and thoroughly coated his aching erection. That done, Tom squeezed
some lube onto his fingers, threw the tube on the bed, then brought his
hand down to Chakotay's ass and slipped a finger inside, stretching the
tight muscle. Soon he added a second finger, and then a third.
When Tom deemed the muscle loose enough, he pulled his fingers out,
and lifted Chakotay's legs over his shoulders. Then he placed his cock at
the opening to Chakotay's body and slowly pushed inside. It took all his
self-control not to slam himself into his lover, but he didn't want to hurt
the other man.
Chakotay lay on his back, watching his lover's face as Tom carefully
entered him. Chakotay could see the effort it took for Tom to be gentle
and he appreciated the gesture, he really did, but he didn't want slow and
gentle. He wanted Tom to *fuck* him.
Tom was rocking back and forth gently, going deeper with each thrust
when Chakotay suddenly pushed his hips up, forcing Tom's entire
length into his body. Tom gasped in surprise, then moaned in bliss when
he felt the tight channel surrounding his cock.
For a moment both men lay motionless, savouring their connection, then
Tom's hips twitched involuntarily and he started moving, slowly at first,
but soon picking up speed. Tom moved in and out of his lover, moving
hard and fast, and Chakotay met his every move with one of his own.
Tom wrapped a hand around Chakotay's cock to stroke it in time with
his thrusts into the older man's body. It only took a few strokes before
Chakotay came, screaming Tom's name. Tom thrust deeply into Chakotay's
body one last time, then came with a roar, spilling his seed in his
When their heart rates and breathing had returned to something resembling
normal, Tom pulled out of his lover and got out of bed. With a
quick smile to Chakotay, Tom went into the bathroom to clean up. Once
he was done, Tom wet a towel, returned to the bedroom and gently
cleaned his half-sleeping lover. Then he threw the towel on the floor and
slid into bed.
Chakotay pulled the covers over them, then wrapped his arms around
Tom and spooned up behind him. "Good night, Tom," he whispered.
"Good night, Chakotay," Tom answered before he closed his eyes and
fell asleep, Chakotay right behind him.
The End
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